- Three Imbali Lioness, sleeping East of Bush Buk dam South of the Manyeleti Boundary.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard feeding on a scrub hare North of Broken Dam.
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, drinking at Jacana Dam.
- One buffalo bull, feeding along the Firebreak at the Manyeleti crossing.
Tuesday, 01 October 2024
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard sharing a warthog kill which was then stolen by hyenas on Central Road.
- A pack of three wild dogs, feeding on a impala on Jerry Drive.
- Tiyani, the female leopard was chased up a tree by hyenas after they stole her kill at Rhulani Pan.
Wednesday, 02 October 2024
- Xidulu, the female leopard feeding on a impala kill South of Zebra Drive.
- Three Nkuhuma lioness, sleeping on Second Windmill Road junction with Zebra Drive.
- Four Nkuhuma lioness with the Southern Avoca male and the Kruger male lion, sleeping East of Second Windmill Road.
- A breeding herd of ten elephants, drinking at Leeukuil.
- Three Kambula male lions and two Imbali lioness, sleeping East of Baobab Dam.
- Xidulu, the female leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard mobile West from Marula Bolt Central.
- Three Nkuhuma Lioness, sleeping at Simba Dam.
- Four elephant bulls, feeding on Elephant Plains drive way.
- Thalamba, the female leopard and her cub resting on the bank of the Molowati river South of Spaghetti Junction.
Friday, 04 October 2024
- Thalamba, the female leopard and her cub resting on the bank of the Molowati river South of Spaghetti Junction.
- A Breeding herd of Eight Elephants on A-main East of Big Dam Link South.
- Tortoise Pan, the young male leopard mobile East from EP/Simba Cutline.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard resting on a termite mound on the Northern side of Arathusa air strip.
Saturday, 05 October 2024
- A pack of two wild dogs, crossing West into Robsons from Akkiso.
- The four Kambula males and two lioness, static on Hardekoell access.
- Tiyani, the female leopard sleeping in the Manyeleti river at the fence line.
- A breeding herd of three elephants, feeding at Pungwe Pan.
- Thalamba, the female leopard with her cub mobile East on Nyala South.
- One Black Dam Male lion and six Nkuhuma lioness, mobile East from Grass cut.
- Tiyani, the female leopard with a impala kill on Elephant plains driveway at the junction of Gabeys Coarse way.
- A breeding herd of Five elephants, feeding on Maddash North.