Monday, 15 July 2024
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard stationary between 1st and 2nd
- Makhomsava, the female leopard mobile South on Airport Link.
- Xidulu, the female leopard with an impala kill on Elephants Plains Simbambili Cutline.
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
- Xidulu, the female leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard finishing off the impala kill on Elephant Plains Simbambili Cutline.
- Four Kambula male lions stationary at Wildebeest Clearing.
- Breeding herd of approximately two hundred cape buffalo feeding on Poachers Road.
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
- Breeding herd of approximately two hundred cape buffalo drinking water at Jacana Dam.
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard scavenged an impala carcass an took it into a tree at Big Dam inflow.
- Northern Avoca, one Black Dam, male lion and eight Nkuhuma’s stationary on Taxon’s Road.
- Breeding herd of approximately twenty African elephants feeding on MMM junction Arathusa Safari Driveway.
- Tlalamba, the female leopard and one cub feeding on an impala kill on the Western side of Buffelshoek Dam.
- Breeding herd of approximately two hundred cape buffalo feeing on Balanites Road.
- Breeding herd of ten African elephants mobile South from Central Road.
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard feeding on remains of impala carcass at Big Dam inflow.
- Two Plains Camp male lions stationary East of Track South.
Friday, 19 July 2024
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, feeding on Elephant Plains driveway.
- The Naroo pride consisting of seven lioness and one young male lion, sleeping on Wattle Way.
- Two Kambula male lions and one Kambula lioness, sleeping on Wattle Way.
- One Kambula male lion, sleeping at Baobab Dam.
- One Kambula male lion, sleeping at Jacana Dam.
Saturday, 20 July 2024
- Thalamba, the female leopard feeding on the remains of a impala kill at Buffelshoek Dam.
- Laluka, the female leopard hunting scrub hares on Marula Bolt South.
- The two Plains Camp male lions, resting between Road Eight and Maddash North.
- Thalamba, the female leopard resting on a termite mound on Nyla Road.
- A breeding herd of two hundred buffalo heading South on Leadwood Road.
- Two male cheetah, feeding on a water buck kill between Shelleys Oval and Cruz Camp.
Sunday, 21 July 2024
- Tiyani, the female leopard mobile South from EP/Sherley’s cutline.
- Laluka, the female leopard mobile East from SawmillRoad.
- A pack of eight wild dogs, mobile South on Drongo South.