Monday, 014 October 2024
- Makhomsava, the female leopard mobile South from Central Road.
- Breeding herd of ten elephants drinking at Simbambili Dam.
- Breeding herd of approximately fifty buffalo on Simbambili Driveway.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard mobile North from Knob Thorn Open.
- Five lioness mobile North from Jacana Open Area.
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
- Five Nkuhuma lioness and one sub adult male stationary on Kudu Drift.
- Tiyani, the female leopard stationary in the Manyaleti River in front of Elephant Plains.
- Three Kambula male lions mobile South from Seefs Pan.
Wednesday, 16 October 2024
- Three male elephants, feeding along Horse Shoe West.
- Three Nkuhuma lioness, sleeping on Maddash Marula Bolt junction.
- Tiyani, the female leopard sleeping at Elephant Plains open area.
- A breeding herd of four hundred buffalo, crossing into the Manyeleti Game reserve from Jacana Dam.
- One Kambula male lion, sleeping in Philemon’s Dip.
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, drinking at big dam.
- A breeding herd of about three hundred buffalo, drinking at Big Dam.
- Mokhomsava, the female leopard sleeping at Big Dam.
- Xidulu, the female leopard mobile East from Maru Bolt North.
- A breeding herd of four hundred buffalo, resting on Kudu Drift and Leopard Drift junction.
Friday, 18 October 2024
- A pack of eleven wild dogs, sleeping on Safari Donga North.
- One Kambula male lion, sleeping on Magic Willy Road.
- One Mantimahle male lion, sleeping on Round Leaf Teak junction with Cruz Camp Cutline.
- Five unknown lionesses, sleeping on East-West Cutline.
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, drinking at Elephant Plains watering hole.
Saturday, 19 October 2024
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard feeding on an impala North of the transformer on MMM.
- A breeding herd of ten elephants, drinking at Elephant plains watering hole.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard drinking at Red Dam.
- A breeding herd of around one hundred buffalo, drinking at Simbambili watering hole.
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, feeding at Bush Camp Pan.
- Mzemba, the male leopard sleeping in a marula treen on the Torchwood/Buffelshoek Cutline.