Monday, 22 April 2024
- Xidulu, the female leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard feeding on an impala ram kill West of Gowri
- One Msuthu male lion, five Nkuhuma lioness and one sub adult male lion stationary on the Firebreak East of the Pungwe Crossing.
- One cape buffalo bull stationary at Our Fathers Crossing.
- Breeding herd of twenty African elephants feeding on the Northern side of Arathusa Safari Airstrip.
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
- One Kambula male lion and three Nkuhuma lioness stationary in the block North of Marula Belt Central West.
- Elephant Plains spotted hyena den active with one adult and one cub.
- One cape buffalo bull stationary at PU Corner.
- Makhomsava, the female leopard mobile East from the Northern side of Arathusa Safari Airstrip.
- Breeding herd of fifteen African elephants drinking water at Big Dam.
- Breeding herd of twenty cape buffalo stationary on Milk Berry.
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
- Elephant Plains spotted hyena den active with one adult and one cub.
- Four African elephant bulls feeding at Gaby’s Open.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard stationary at Simbambili Dam.
- Breeding herd of twenty African elephants drinking water at Arathusa Safari Dam.
Thursday, 25 April 2024
- One Msuthu male lion AND FOUR Nkuhuma lioness mobile South into Londolozi junction Saseka.
- One Kambula male lion and four Nkuhuma lioness stationary at Kudu Drift junction Leopard Drift.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard stationary at Simbambili Dam.
Friday, 26 April 2024
- Elephant Plains spotted hyena den active with two adults, four sub adults and one cub.
- Xidulu, the female leopard stationary in a tamboti tree on Safari Donga South.
- Langa, the female leopard stationary in a marula tree South of Arathusa Safari Driveway.
- One Kambula male lion, sleeping on Guarri Central.
Saturday, 27 April 2024
- The two Plains Camp male lions, sleeping on Kudu Drift and the junction of Leopard Drift.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard sleeping in a African weeping wattle on the Northern side of Arathusa Safari air strip.
- A breeding herd of approximately ten elephants, drinking at Simba dam.
- The two Plains Camp male lions, sleeping on A-main at the junction of Nkombe road.
- Xidulu, the female leopard with Nhenhe, the young male leopard resting on a fallen over marula tree East of Airport link.
Sunday, 28 April 2024
- The two Plains Camp male lions, mating with one Nkuhuma lioness at Elephant Plains open area.
- Makhomsava, the female leopard mobile South from A-main junction with Nkombe road.