Monday, 25 March 2024
- The Kruger male lion and four Torchwood lioness hunting greater kudu on Dolerite Road.
- A Pack of two African wild dogs mobile East on Buffelshoek Gowrie Cutline.
- Two Cape buffalo bulls stationary on Simbambili Driveway.
- Makhomsava, the female leopard stationary in a marula tree on Seepline East.
- Xinzele, the female leopard mobile South on Milkberry.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard feeding on a grey duiker kill in a marula tree on Tjololo.
- Two African elephant bulls feeding at Five-way Junction.
Tuesday, 26 March 2024
(28°C, 10mm Rain)
- The Elephant Plains spotted hyena den active with three adults and seven cubs.
- Nhene, the young male leopard stationary in a marula tree on Tjololo.
- One Cape buffalo bull stationary on the firebreak Erast of Simbambili Driveway.
- The Talamati pride of lions stationary on Buffelshoek Gowrie Cutline junction Baobab.
- Redhawk, the male leopard mobile North from Buffelshoek East West Cutline.
- Four Torchwood lioness mobile North from Cruise Camp Airstrip.
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
- A Pack of nine African wild dogs stationary in the tamboti thickets on Leadwood.
- Elephant Plains spotted hyena den active with two adults and seven cubs.
- A breeding herd of ten African elephants drinking water at Leeukuil Pan.
- The Nkuhuma pride of lions consisting of eight lioness and one young male mobile North from Big Dam.
- Langa, the female leopard stationary on a dead tree on Airport Link.
Thursday, 28 March 2024
- Talamati pride of lions consisting of three individuals stationary on the firebreak East of Simbambili Dam.
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard mobile North on Lowveld Link.
- Two African elephant bulls feeding at Rulani Open Area.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard chasing francolins at Knobthorn Open Area.
- The Torchwood pride of lions consisting of four lioness hunting waterbuck at Bushbuck Dam.
Friday, 29 March 2024
- Tiyani, the female leopard mobile North between Guarri Central and Bushcamp West.
- Makhomsava, the female leopard with an impala ram kill East of Arathusa Safari Airstrip.
- A breeding herd of approximately fifty African elephants around Seef’s Pan.
- The Talamati pride of lions hunting impala around Mehluane Open Area.
Saturday, 30 March 2024
- The Talamati pride of lions sleeping off of Parallel road, South of Zebra drive.
- Breeding herd of 3 African Elephants feeding in Rulani Open Area.
- Two Cape buffalo bulls stationary in the Firebreak West of Elephant Plains Driveway.
- One African elephant bull feeding on Elephant Plains Driveway.
- Kruger, male lion stationary on Tortoise Pan Road.
- Watika, the female leopard stationary in a marula tree on Zebra Wood Road.
Sunday, 31 March 2024
(26°C, 1mm Rain)
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard mating with Tiyani, the female leopard East of Boerbean Open.
- Xidulu, the female leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard mobile West on Horseshoe East.
- Breeding herd of ten African elephants feeding at Elephant Plains Open Area.