Monday 15 January 2024
- Three unknown lioness and the Kruger male lion, sleeping at Secret clearing.
- Three elephant bulls, mobile South from broken dam.
- One buffalo bull, mobile West from Gowrie main junction with twin dams.
- Mariybe young male leopard, sleeping at Baobab dam.
- A breeding herd of approximately twenty individuals, swimming at Baobab Dam.
Tuesday 16 January 2024
- Tortoise pan the male leopard, sleeping in a Jackel-berry tree between kudu drift and Rhino Ring East.
- A pack of nine African wild dogs, sleeping on Arathusa safaris airstrip.
- Makhomsava the female leopard, resting in a dead tree off Pump track.
- Female cheetah with two sub adult cubs, feeding on an impala kill on Martial eagle road.
- Xidulu the female leopard, in the brown ivory tree of Xinzele road with an impala kill.
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, drinking at Baobab dam.
Wednesday 17 January 2024
- Tortoise Pan the male leopard, mobile East along Londolozi boundary from Leopard drift junction.
- A pack of eight wild dogs, sleeping on Arathusa safaris airstrip.
- One elephant bull, feeding on marulas on the Northern end of EP airstrip.
- A pack of nine wild dogs, resting on EP air strip.
- One male elephant, eating marula fruit on the northern side of EP airstrip.
- The hyena den was active with, six cubs and two adults.
Thursday 18 January 2024
- A pack of eight wild dogs, sleeping on Arathusa safaris airstrip.
- Laluka on Drongo South, her kill was stollen by hyenas.
- Xidulu the female leopard with Nhehne her young male cub, resting at the junction of Horse Shoe east and Madash.
- A breeding herd of thirty buffalo, mobile west from Kruger National Park on the cutline of Buffelshoek and Torchwood.
- Four elephant bulls, drinking at Baobab dam.
Friday, 19 January 2024
- Tiyani the female leopard fighting with laluka the female leopard over a duiker kill, at the junction of Sixes and Mamba road.
- One elephant bull, feeding at the entrance of Silvan.
- The Nkuhuma pride of lions consisting of nine individuals, resting in the Manyaleti river North of our fathers crossing.
- A pack of eight wild dogs, feeding on a impala kill East of big dam.
Saturday, 20 January 2024
- The Nkuhuma pride of lions consisting of ten individuals, sleeping at Eagle owl crossing.
- The four kambula male lions with one kambula lioness, resting at Buff pan.
- Xidulu the female leopard with Nhenhe her young male leopard cub, feeding on a impala kill on first windmill road.
- Elephant plains hyena den was active with one adult and six cubs.
Sunday, 20 January 2024
- Four elephant bulls, feeding along Rhino Ring North Mobile South.
- Elephant plains hyena den was active with one adult and six cubs.
- The Talamati break away pride consisting of one adult lioness and two sub adult lions, sleeping North of Simba dam.