Monday, 19 August 2024
- A breeding herd of twenty elephants, feeding at Brown Ivory Clearing.
- Five elephant’s bulls, drinking from Baobab Dam.
- The four Kambula male lions with one lioness, sleeping on Impala Road.
- Laluka, the female leopard hunting on Simbambili fire break at the Pungwe.
Tuesday, 20 August 2024
- Mokhomsava, the female leopard mobile South into Londolozi at Londolozi drift.
- Xidulu, the female leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard drinking at Arathusa Safari dam.
Wednesday, 21 August 2024
- Tiyani, the female leopard mobile on Rhino Ring North towards Rhino Ring West.
- A breeding herd of approximately two hundred buffalo, mobile East from Cruz Camp.
- Four elephant bulls, feeding on Hardekool access.
- Xidulu, the female leopard and Nhenhe, the young male leopard feeding on a duiker between Southern Fork and Parallel Road.
Friday, 23 August 2024
- The four Kambula male lions, sleeping East of Xibamu Road.
- Xidulu, the female leopard West of Twin Dams.
- Mokhomsava, the female leopard sleeping on Kudu Drift North of Serengeti Crossing.
- The Northern Avoca male lion, sleeping on Magic Willy Road.
Saturday, 24 August 2024
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard sleeping in the Marikeng West of Buff Skull crossing.
- The two Plains Camp male lions and three Nkuhuma lioness, sleeping on Kudu Drift west of the Leopard Drift junction.
- Mokhomsava, the female leopard sleeping on a termite mound on Mfesi Road.
- A breeding herd of forty elephants, drinking at Leeu kuil.
- A breeding herd of five hundred buffalo, drinking at Jordaans Dam.
- Nhenhe, the young male leopard sleeping on Mtunduluka Shortcut.