( Xidulu’s male cub – Jordan Delvecchio )
Monday, 9 October 2023
- Tiyani, the female leopard hunting cane rats around Mum’s Road.
- Breeding herd of ten African elephants feeding on Wetpatch Road.
- The Imbali male lion mobile north from Vrystaat Clearing.
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
- Breeding herd of ten African elephants feeding along the Elephant Plains-Arathusa Private Cutline.
- Tiyani, the female leopard feeding on a bushbuck kill on Ntoma Driveway.
- Laluka, the female leopard mobile east along the firebreak junction with Pommie’s Pan.
- Unidentified pride of five lions trailing a breeding herd of approximately three hundred Cape buffalo at Simbambili Dam.
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
- Laluka, the female leopard mobile over Manyaleti-Buffelshoek boundary into Manyaleti Game Reserve.
- Two Black Dam male lions sleeping at Boerbean Open.
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard mobile north toward Arathusa Safari Driveway.
- Tiyani, the female leopard moved her cubs to the woodpile along Simbambili Firebreak.
- A pack of three African wild dogs mobile east from Brown Ivory Road.
- The Imbali male lion feeding on a Cape buffalo cow kill at Vrystaat Clearing.
- Three young male lions and one Talamati lioness feeding of a Cape Buffalo kill at Rubbing Post Dam.
( Makhomsava’s cub in a marula tree – Nicholas Greeff )
Thursday, 12 October 2023
- Tiyani, the female leopard stationary at the new den site along Simbambili Firebreak.
- Tortoise Pan, the male leopard mobile west along Rulani Road.
- The two Black Dam male lions sleeping at Arathusa Safari Airstrip.
- The Imbali male lion and three young males feeding on a Cape buffalo kill at Vrystaat Clearing.
- A pack of three African wild dogs mobile south from Khaya Manzi.
Friday, 13 October 2023
- Xinzele, the female leopard and her female cub stationary in a Weeping Boer-bean tree, south of The Hill Road.
- The two Ndzhenga male lions and three lionesses stationary on the dam wall at Big Dam.
Saturday, 14 October 2023
- The Talamati Breakaway pride of lions consisting of two lionesses, five sub-adults and the Imbali male mobile north from Southern Fork.
- Langa, the female leopard mating with Tortoise Pan, the male leopard on Mkombe close to Arathusa Main Road.
( Tiyani on an impala kill – Nicholas Greeff )
Sunday, 15 October 2023
- Langa, the female leopard mating with Tortoise Pan, the male leopard on Mkombe close to Arathusa Main Road.
- Tiyani, the female leopard and one of her cubs between Mum’s Crossing and Pungwe Crossing.