Monday, 23 October 2023
- A pack of three African wild dogs, mobile west from Simbambili staff camp pan.
- Tiyani the female leopard, feeding on a bush buck kill in a tree south of Pungwe pan.
- A Breeding herd consisting of eight elephants, mobile south on Shimungwe.
- An unknown coalition of three male lions, mobile north from Rebbeca’s and Zoe’s Road junction.
- A breeding herd consisting of twenty elephants, feeding on Zoey’s Road.
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
- The two Mantimahle male lions, sleeping east of Big Dam in Buffelshoek.
- A breeding herd of twenty Cape buffalo, mobile north from Magic willie.
- A bull elephant, mobile east along Londolozi boundary.
- Tiyani the female leopard, mobile west from Josie road.
- A breeding herd of fifteen Cape buffalo, drinking at Baobab dam.
- A bull elephant, feeding around Baobab Dam.
Wednesday, 25 October 2023
- A unknown young male lion, mobile north from Drongo north.
- Xidulu the female leopard with her young male cub, feeding on an impala kill at Second windmill.
- Tortoise Pan the male leopard, resting at Leeukuil pan.
- Laluka the female leopard, mobile north from the quarry on Arathusa main.
- A breeding herd of consisting ten elephants, feeding on Elephants Plains drive way close to the lodge entrance.
Thursday, 26 October 2023
- A breeding herd consisting of ten elephants, drinking at Leeukuil.
- Tiyani the female leopard, mobile west from the Island into the Manyaleti river.
- Xinzele the female leopard with her sub adult daughter, feeding on a grey duiker north of Rhino Ring central.
- An unknown young male lion, sleeping north of Nsinga camp.
- S8 the male lion, mobile south from Vrystaat clearing.
Friday, 27 October 2023
- Laluka the female leopard, sleeping in a marula tree with a bush buck kill on Elephants Plains drive way close to the lodge entrance.
- A breeding herd of about one hundred and fifty cape buffalo, resting on Elephant Plains driveway junction with Pump house.
- A breeding herd of fifteen elephants, feeding on Robsons boundary.
- An unknown lioness, sleeping at Baobab dam.
Saturday, 28 October 2023
(35°C 0,5 mm Rain)
- Two Black Dam male lions mating with two Nkhuma lioness at Buff Pan.
- Laluka the female leopard, sleeping in a marula tree with a bush buck kill on Elephants Plains drive way close to the lodge entrance.
- Nkhuma pride consisting of seven lions stationary east of Elephant Plains Open Area.
Sunday, 29 October 2023
- Laluka the female leopard, in a marula tree with a bushbuck kill on Elephants Plains drive way close to the lodge entrance.
- Ntsumie the female leopard mobile south from Red Dam.
- Tiyani the female leopard finishing off a grey duiker kill south of Elephant Plains -Manyaleti Crossing.
- A breeding herd of seven African elephants feeding along Marikeni Donga.