Monday, 4 September 2023
- Breeding herd of approximately eighty Cape Buffalo static at Cruise Camp Clearing.
- One Lioness static on the dam wall at Big Dam.
- Pack of eleven African Wild Dogs static in the shade East of Zoe’s Road.
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
- Pack of eleven African Wild Dogs busy hunting in the block South West of Kraaines with a at least ten Spotted Hyenas following them.
- Tlalamba, female Leopard in the drainage line East of Gowrie Cutline.
- Xinzele’s young female Leopard cub static on the old Londolozi Boundary East of Leopard Drift.
- Makhomsava, female Leopard static on top of a Termite mound West of MMM South.
- Tiyani, female Leopard mobile East in the fire break from Picinini Uthla Corner.
- Breeding herd of approximately twenty-eight African Elephants drinking water at Leeukuil.
- One African Elephant bull drinking water at Kraaines Pan.
Wednesday, 6 September 2023
- Xinzele’s young female Leopard cub static on the Termite mound on the Londolozi Boundary East of Leopard Drift.
- Talamati Breakaway pride of Lions consisting of one Lioness and two sub adults static in the fire break East of Galago Shortcut.
- Xidulu, female Leopard busy hunting Impala in the block of Magic Willie.
- Eight Cape Buffalo bulls feeding North of Josie Road.
- Xinzele, female Leopard mobile East from Kudu Drift junction Leopard Drift.
Thursday, 7 September 2023
- Xidulu, female Leopard mobile East from Road Eight.
- Mzemba, male Leopard static on top of a Termite mound South of One Eye Pan Clearing.
- Breeding herd of fifteen African Elephants feeding North along Madash.
- Tiyani, female Leopard mobile East between the Firebreak and Xihumbane.
Friday, 8 September 2023
- Othawa pack of African Wild Dogs consisting of seven adults and sixteen pups mobile West along Elephant plains Arathusa Private Cutline.
- Tortoise Pan, male Leopard static at One Eye Pan.
- Laluka, female Leopard South of Simbambili Dam in the Firebreak.
- Breeding herd of eight African Elephants feeding along Pommie’s Pan Road.
Saturday, 9 September 2023
- Tiyani, female Leopard mobile East from Nyati Bamba Road.
- Makhomsava and her young female Leopard cub mobile North from Big Dam Inflow.
- Breeding herd of approximately two hundred Cape Buffalo drinking water at Serengeti Pan.
- Talamati Breakaway pride consisting of one lioness and five sub adults with a Greater Kudu bull kill South of Boundary Pan.
- Breeding herd of eight African Elephants crossing through Simbambili Dam.
- Xidulu, female Leopard and her young male cub static at Mariken Drive junction Buff Skull.
Sunday, 10 September 2023
- Talamati Breakaway pride consisting of one lioness and five sub adults and the Imbali male with a Greater Kudu bull kill South of Boundary Pan.
- Breeding herd of eight African Elephants feeding in a South Western direction from Mehluane Open Area.