Monday, 10 July 2023
(12°C 10 MM Rain)
- Herd of nineteen African Elephants mobile West along Zebra Drive.
- Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of two lioness and one young male mobile North West from Zebra Drive.
- Makhomsava, female Leopard with an Impala kill in a tree on the Eastern side of Arathusa Safari Airstrip.
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
- One Kambula male Lion static infront of Vuyatela Lodge.
- One male Cheetah static at the open area behind Nkhoro Game Lodge.
- Tlalamba, female Leopard static North of Twin Dams.
- Makhomsava, female Leopard and her cub with a juvenile Impala ram kill in a Marula tree on the junction of Seepline West and Big Dam Link North.
Wednesday, 12 July 2023
- Imabli pride consisting of four lioness and two young males static on a Termite mound North of Hardekool Lodge with the Imbali male trailing behind them.
- Tortoise Pan, male Leopard with Makhomsava, female Leopard and her cub static at Big Dam Link North.
- Herd of six African Elephants on Elephant Plains Driveway.
Thursday, 13 July 2023
- Imbali pride of Lions consisting of six individuals static on top of a Termite mound with the Imbali male trailing behind them North of Hardekool.
- Breeding herd of ten African Elephants feeding at Land Cruiser Crossing
- Xidulu, female Leopard and her cub static on Marikeni Drive.
Friday, 14 July 2023
- Herd of approximately one hundred Cape Buffalo static on Impala Road.
- One Talamati Lioness static at Khaya Manzi Dam.
- Talamati pride consisting of six individuals and the Imbali male mobile West along the Manyaleti Boundary.
- Tlalamba, female Leopard static on Philimon’s Dip.
- Breeding herd of fifteen African Elephants feeding at Elephant Plains Open Area.
Saturday, 15 July 2023
- Makhomsava, female Leopard mobile South from Seepline East.
- One African Elephant bull static on the Londolozi Boundary.
- Breeding herd of approximately three hundred Cape Buffalo drinking water at Big Dam.
- Pack of five African Wild Dogs mobile West along Ekiso into Robsons.
Sunday, 16 July 2023
- Nkhuma pride of Lions consisting of eight individuals’ static on Cheetah Cutline.
- Herd of approximately three hundred Cape Buffalo static at Wetpatch Open Area.